This is a chapter from the Token Economy book series. All subchapters are collapsed under their subchapter headings to make the page more readable. Find copyright information on this text and about the book an the end of the page.
Decentralized lending services use smart contracts to create marketplaces for a tokenized credit and lending system for any type of asset. In theory, any fungible and non-fungible token that represents a currency, commodity, security, real estate deed, artwork, or SME share could be tokenized and collateralized. In combination with decentralized exchanges using liquidity pools, decentralized lending protocols can provide a multi-sided marketplace not only between lenders and borrowers, but also sellers and buyers of tokens. Tokenization of assets in combination with tokenized credit and lending services and liquidy pools could eventually lead to a convergence of money, financial markets and the real economy.
Tokenized Lending
Tokenized Borrowing
History of P2P Lending Protocols
Flash Loans & Flash Attacks
Challenges & Outlook
Chapter Summary
References & Further Reading
This is an excerpt from the book “Token Economy: Money, NFTs & DeFi”
Copyleft 2023, Shermin Voshmgir
Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SAÂ
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@book{title={Token Economy: Money, NFTs & DeFi}, author={Voshmgir, Shermin}, year={2023}, publisher={Token Kitchen} }