This is a chapter from the Token Economy book series. All subchapters are collapsed under their subchapter headings to make the page more readable. Find copyright information on this text and about the book an the end of the page.
Derivatives are financial instruments that allow investors to get exposure to the price movement of an underlying asset without owning the asset. Derivatives have also become an important financial instrument in an increasingly tokenized economy. Synthetics are a special type of derivative that has gained importance in traditional finance, and has become one of the most important use cases for tokenization. They simulate the risk and reward profile of other financial instruments, usually by combining a set of other financial instruments, such as one or more derivatives, which result in the same risk profile as investing in an underlying security. This chapter will explain why many token use cases presented in this book are derivatives by nature, and why it is important to understand the core concepts of financial derivatives before one can understand potential implications of tokenization on money, finance and the real economy.
Types of Derivatives & Perpetual Contracts
Purpose of Derivatives
Challenges & Outlook
Chapter Summary
References & Further Reading
This is an excerpt from the book “Token Economy: Money, NFTs & DeFi”
Copyleft 2023, Shermin Voshmgir
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@book{title={Token Economy: Money, NFTs & DeFi}, author={Voshmgir, Shermin}, year={2023}, publisher={Token Kitchen} }